STEM Facilitator

This Volunteer Agreement demonstrates how STEM Access For Girls values our volunteers. We want to assure you that we appreciate your contribution to our organization. We are dedicated to ensuring that you have a quality volunteer experience which is both productive and rewarding. Your role as a volunteer will be STEM Facilitator for STEM Access For Girls Youth Enrichment Development Program. You will be supervised by Haiti Program Manager, Winnie Petit Paul.

STEM Access For Girls Organization commits to the following:

•To provide adequate information and training so you may meet the expectations as described in your volunteer role description.

• To provide supplies and materials for programming activities.

•To provide you with a weekly phone stipend to ensure internet connectivity and communication via Zoom, WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger for program delivery.

• To provide you with a Biweekly stipend of $10 USD Monthly which shall be paid within a reasonable time after Volunteer submits an invoice to STEM Access For Girls; On the Basis that you commit to providing STEM Access For Girls programming to Three different program participants/ household on a weekly basis.

• To explain what is required of you and to support and provide encouragement to help you achieve the desired results as you facilitate program activities with participants .

• To assign you with the name of the participant(s) who you will be working with on a weekly basis for STEM Access For Girls Youth Enrichment Development Program.

•To assigns you with a named supervisor who will provide you with regular support and supervision meetings and act as a ‘go to’ person.

•To treat you with respect and courtesy at all times.

•To be receptive to any comments and feedback from all our volunteers.

• To value and recognize our volunteers as a significant resource in achieving the goals of our organization.

The Volunteer commits to the following:

•Facilitate programming for the following months: May, June, July, August,
To cover all lesson and materials, specific days and time will be determined based on participants schedule

•Ensure participants attendance is taken, Quiz/ Pre and post-assessment scores recorded on STEM Access For Girls Member Portal or [email protected]

•Ensure program activities pictures and recording are taken by participants during sessions and are submitted on STEM Access For Girls Members Portal for reporting

•Explain activities and provide support to the participants on a weekly basis

•Attend virtual training sessions for STEM Facilitator on Schedule dates

• Effectively communicate with STEM Access For Girls Team members to provide feedback and updates

• To follow the organization’s policies and procedures.

• To meet time and task commitments and to provide sufficient notice when not available.

• To act in a way that is in line with the aims and objectives of the organization and that enhances the work of the organization.
This volunteer agreement is binding in honour only, and is not intended to be a legally binding contract between the volunteer and the organization. Neither party intends any employment relationship to be created now or at any time in the future. This agreement may be canceled at any time at the discretion of either party.